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The chieftain families of Tyrconnell were the O'Donnells; of Tyrone, the O'Neils and McLaughlins; of Dalriada, O'Kanes, O'Haras, and O'Shields; of Ulidia, the Magennis of Iveagh and the Donlevys of Down; of Oriel, the McMahons and O'Hanlons. Among these populous tribes the invaders dealt some of their fiercest blows, both by land and sea, in the thirteenth century.

A lot of people suspect those McMahons of being crooked. Well, it has never been proved. Until it's proved, they're entitled " Burlingame paused. "To the benefit of the doubt, eh?" "Why not? I've heard you hold the balance pretty fair 'twixt your patients and the undertaker." Quite unmoved, the Young Doctor coolly replied: "In your own happy phrase of course!

A lot of people suspect those McMahons of being crooked. Well, it has never been proved. Until it's proved, they're entitled " Burlingame paused. "To the benefit of the doubt, eh?" "Why not? I've heard you hold the balance pretty fair 'twixt your patients and the undertaker." Quite unmoved, the Young Doctor coolly replied: "In your own happy phrase of course!

In Ulster, by stratagem, surprise, or force, the forts of Charlemont and Mountjoy, and the town of Dungannon, were seized on the night of the 22nd by Sir Phelim O'Neil or his lieutenants; on the next day Sir Conor Magennis took the town of Newry, the McMahons possessed themselves of Carrickmacross and Castleblaney, the O'Hanlons Tandragee, while Philip O'Reilly and Roger Maguire razed Cavan and Fermanagh.

Suspicion had been directed against the McMahons, but Joel Mazarine had declared that it was not the McMahons who had attacked him, although they were masked. There was nothing strange in that, because, as the Inspector of the Riders said "That lot is too fly to do the job themselves; you bet they paid others to do it." Orlando had no wish to see the criminals caught or punished.

All at wanst I forgot what happened, till I found myself lyin' upon a car wid the McMahons that lived ten or twelve miles beyond the mountains. Well, I felt disgraced at bein' beaten by Con Dalton, and as I was fond of McMahon's sister, what 'ud you have us but off we went together to America, for, you see, she promised to marry me if I'd go.