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P. lusitanica azorica, from the Azores, is of more robust growth than the common plant, with larger and richer green leaves, and the bark of the younger branches is of a very decided reddish tinge. The Mahaleb, or Perfumed Cherry. South Europe, 1714. This and its variegated variety P. Mahaleb variegata are very free-flowering shrubs, and of neat growth.

The cherry is dwarfed by being worked on the Mahaleb a small, handsome tree, with glossy, deep-green foliage, much cultivated abroad as an ornament of lawns. Except in the hands of practiced gardeners, trees thus dwarfed are seldom satisfactory, for much skill and care are required in their cultivation. Their chief advantages consist in the fact that they bear early and take but little space.

In a distant glade I have made a spring garden round an oak tree that stands alone in the sun groups of crocuses, daffodils, narcissus, hyacinths, and tulips, among such flowering shrubs and trees as Pirus Malus spectabilis, floribunda, and coronaria; Prunus Juliana, Mahaleb, serotina, triloba, and Pissardi; Cydonias and Weigelias in every colour, and several kinds of Crataegus and other May lovelinesses.

The variegated variety is well worthy of attention, having a clear silvery variegation, chiefly confined to the leaf margin, but in a less degree to the whole of the foliage, and imparting to it a bright, glaucous tint that is highly ornamental. There is a partially weeping form named P. Mahaleb pendula. P. MARITIMA. Beach or Sand Plum. North America, 1800.

In the year 1821 the bird's cherry, or Prunus Padus, produced a weeping variety, and in 1847 the same mutation was observed for the allied Prunus Mahaleb. Numerous other instances of the sudden origin of weeping trees, both of conifers and of others, have been brought together in Korshinsky's paper.

The Mahaleb is a European type with a smaller tree, fruit inferior to the Mazzards, and used as a root under soil and climatic conditions under which the Mazzard is not hardy and vigorous. Neither of the kinds are worth considering for their fruit. Pruning Cherries. I have some cherry trees that have not been pruned.

Prunus Mahaleb nana was discovered in 1828 in one specimen near Orleans by Mme. LeBrun in a large culture of Mahaleb. Lonicera tatarica nana appeared in 1825 at Fontenay-aux Roses. A tall variety of the strawberry is called "Giant of Zuidwijk" and originated at Boskoop in Holland in the nursery of Mr. van de Water, in a lot of seedlings of the ordinary strawberry.

Young trees are winter pruned to promote low branching and short, stout limbs; bearing trees are summer pruned to promote fruit bearing and check wood growth the excess of bearing shoots being removed by thinning during the winter. Wild Cherries. Where do the Mahaleb and Mazzard cherries grow naturally? How large are the trees, and what kind of fruit do they bear?