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Your pages are most kind and complimentary, I am sure, Lycinus. No one would have so over-praised me who had not felt kindly towards me. But if you would know my real feeling, here it is. I never do much like the complaisant; they always strike me as insincere and wanting in frankness.

Yet I think casual readers too may find my essay not unserviceable, since it is not only destructive, but, for men of sense, constructive also. Lycinus. Crato Ly. Here are heavy charges, Crato; I suppose you have been getting up this subject for some time.

Ah, Lycinus, 'tis but a fledgeling of mine; 'tis all incondite. Ly. O ho, conduits that is your subject, is it? Lex. You mistake me; I said nothing of conduits; you are behind the times; incondite 'tis the word we use now when a thing lacks the finishing touches. But you are the deaf adder that stoppeth her ears. Ly. I beg your pardon, my dear fellow; but conduit, incondite, you know.

Gold, pleasures, distinctions, they never regard as objects of dispute; they have banished them long ago as undesirable elements. Their life is serene and blissful, in the enjoyment of legality, equality, liberty, and all other good things. Her. Well, Lycinus? Must not all men yearn to belong to a State like that, and never count the toil of getting there, nor lose heart over the time it takes?

So in this sort of portraiture: the human is not so much exalted by the similitude as the divine is belittled and pulled down. If indeed a lack of earthly beauties forced the artist upon scaling Heaven, he might perhaps be acquitted of blasphemy; but your enterprise was so needless; why Aphrodite and Hera, when you have all mortal beauty to choose from? Prune and chasten, then, Lycinus.

It is blessedness indeed, to possess one of whom we may say with Homer that she contends with golden Aphrodite in beauty, and in works is the equal of Athene. Who of womankind shall be compared to her In comeliness, in wit, in goodly works? Poly. Who indeed? Lycinus, I have a proposal to make.