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"Be sure you may." "But how shall I get in?" "Are you afraid to come up the ladder?" "No, I don't mean that; but how shall I get in where you are, after I am up?" "Oh, never fear! I'll draw you in safely enough." "Lorful heart! Miss Ivy, what are you going to do?" cried Mrs. Simm, in terror.

Well, that's neither here nor there; but, as I was saying, here you'll have them on the one side, and all the fine ladies on the other, and a great house and servants, and parties to see to, and, lorful heart! Miss Ivy, you'd die in three years; and if you know when you're well off, you'll stay at home, and marry and settle down near the old folks.

But when i think on you my ladi a lorful legel wife gud and virtus and peur and of the things as i hev seen which is enuf to bring a blush to the face of a stater, I knows it is my holy dooty to rite your ladishipp as follers. Your ladishipp forgif me but on the nite of whittsundey last Miss B. Grainger wint after midnite inter the room of your bad usband as I was to mi sham ther to se.

Simm had finished, she said, with a sudden accession of womanly dignity that surprised the good housekeeper, "Mrs. Simm, I cannot conceive why you should speak in this way to me. If you suppose I am not quite able to take care of myself, I assure you you are much mistaken." "Lorful heart! Now, Miss Ivy, you promised you wouldn't be mad." "And I have kept my promise. I am not mad."