United States or Benin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He drew up at the stepping-stone, alighted and opened the door. "I shall be gone perhaps an hour and a half, James. You may drive around, but return sharply at ten-thirty." Betty ran up the steps and rang the bell. Our jehu did not wait to see the door open, but drove away, lickety-clip.

"I know Mr. Haggerty's habits. He is hustling back to New York as fast as he can. He passed here ten minutes ago in the patrol, lickety-clip! He wishes to warn all pawnbrokers and jewelers to be on the lookout for me to-morrow. Ten thousand in a night!" jovially. "A very tidy sum, sir," said William. "A fourth of which goes to you, my good and faithful friend." "Thank you, sir," replied William.

I do not know what a mile lickety-clip is generally made in, but I am rather certain that the civil law demands twenty- five dollars for the same. The gods were with him this time, and no one called him to a halt. When he had gone as far away from Scott Circle as he dared go, his eye was attracted by a genial cigar sign. He hailed a boy to hold the horses and went inside.

Hang it!" suddenly; "this street doesn't look familiar. I ought to have reached Scott Circle by this time. Ah! here's a broader street," going lickety-clip into Vermont. A glass went jingling to the pavement. "Oho! Nancy will be jumping out the next thing. This will never do." He began to draw in. Hark! His trained trooper's ear heard other hoofs beating on the iron-like surface of the pavement.