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Phaon will live here in your house, Lysander, with his Xanthe, end I in the old one yonder with my Praxilla. Directly after your marriage I shall go back to Messina with Leonax and bring home my wife." "We have long needed a mistress in the house, and I bless your bold resolution!" exclaimed Jason. "Yes, you were always brave," said the invalid.

While thus occupied, she was thinking far more of her favorite's son and the roast meats, cakes, and sauces to be prepared for him, than of Xanthe. She wanted to provide for Leonax all the dishes his father had specially liked when a child, for what a father relishes, she considered, will please his children.

"Mopsus is a bold, good-for-nothing fellow, whom I've often wanted to drive out of the house, but I should like to see the person who refused me obedience. As for your proposal, you have now heard distinctly enough that our girl is intended for Leonax." "But suppose Xanthe doesn't want Leonax, and prefers Phaon to the stranger?"

The house-keeper was probably forced to believe these very resolute words, for, like a vanquished but skilful general, she began to think of covering her retreat, saying: "I was outwitted; but, what I vowed in a moment of weakness. I have now sworn again. I am only sorry for your poor father, who needed a trustworthy son, and the good Leonax "

"Alciphron's son a 'stranger' on the estates of his ancestors!" exclaimed Semestre. "What don't we hear? But I must go to work to prepare the best possible reception for Leonax, that he may feel from the first he is no stranger here, but perfectly at home. Now go, if you choose, and offer sacrifices to Aphrodite, that she may join the hearts of Xanthe and Phaon. I'll stick to my spit."

If Leonax was what Semestre described him, she would not repel him like the other suitors, whom she had rejected with laughing lips. Yes, she would become his wife, not only for her father's sake, but to punish Phaon. Sorrow and pain never felt before filled her heart after making this resolution.

The house facing the garden of the Paneum, where Barine lived, was the property of her mother, who had inherited it from her parents. The artist Leonax, the young beauty's father, son of the old philosopher Didymus, had died long before. After Barine's unhappy marriage with Philostratus was dissolved, she had returned to her mother, who managed the affairs of the household.

Phaon will live here in your house, Lysander, with his Xanthe, end I in the old one yonder with my Praxilla. Directly after your marriage I shall go back to Messina with Leonax and bring home my wife." "We have long needed a mistress in the house, and I bless your bold resolution!" exclaimed Jason. "Yes, you were always brave," said the invalid.

Our master's nephew, Leonax, Alciphron's son, will accompany his uncle and stay for a week or longer as a guest, not over yonder with Protarch, but here in our house.

Just as the carriage passed he pointed to the row of houses in which the widow of Leonax lived, but violent resistance followed the gesture. Anukis perceived what restrained the crowd; for, as the equipage approached its destination, a body of armed youths stopped it.