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The Eldreds went to Berlin for a few months and boarded at the Langes'. Then Mrs. Eldred's mother was taken ill, and they had to come back to this country.

Having resumed our journey, we proceeded merrily, under a cheering sun refreshed by a morning breeze, on the road for Tours, through les Trois Volets, and Langes. The road was still along the banks of the Loire, and continued on the southern side till we reached Chousay, a very sweet village, about twelve miles from Saumur.

Mark beside Langes: and squared as that is, with tuffs and ennicroches or hair-plaits wrought within one another, no otherwise than as the beards are upon the ears of corn.

"A pathetic story of poverty was told to the Hackney coroner, who held an inquiry into the death of Emily Langes, 59, a blouse-maker of Graham Road, Dalston. Death was due to starvation. "Annie Marie, an aged sister, said they had both been in great poverty for a very long time.

I was just going to sign my name and read this over and I haven't told you what I was writing for at all. You will think me a dreadful rattlebrain! It's just that we got a post card to-day from the Langes saying that they were on the Isle of Wight for several days, and I thought right away that you simply must meet them. It's such a little island! They wrote from Ryde. O, I'll enclose the postal.

There seemed to be two Denise Langes: one who was gay with that deep note of wisdom in her gaiety, which only French women compass, with odd touches of tenderness and little traits of almost maternal solicitude, which betrayed themselves at such moments as the wounded man attempted to do something which his crippled condition or his weakness prevented him from accomplishing.

"Neither have I," said another, "because we all thought the same thing, but now we're going to settle some money on this son of a maiden!" A collection was taken up, with Helgesen as the cashier. Then Bengt hailed a cab, invited the girl to enter, and got in after her. "Go ahead I want to go to Langes Street!" he called to the driver.

"Witness: 'Of course we have to inquire into their means pretty closely. "The coroner: 'It seems pretty clear that the old couple were too proud to ask for help. "The jury returned a verdict that Emily Langes died from exhaustion caused by want of food." But listen again! as we stand in the land of crushed womanhood and starving childhood.