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He replied, “Because, in such case, thou didst not so promise me when I set out from Iceland with thee from the homestead of my father.” Bjarni answered, “I do not, however, see here any other plan; but what plan dost thou suggest?” He replied, “I propose this plan, that we two make a change in our places, and thou come here and I will go there.” Bjarni answered, “So shall it be; and this I see, that thou labourest willingly for life, and that it seems to thee a grievous thing to face death.” Then they changed places.

"But, reverend philosopher," said the Countess, "who labourest so artificially in recommending the yoke of pleasure, know that you contradict every notion which I have been taught from my infancy.

Oh, human soul, as long as thou canst so, Set up a mark of everlasting light Above the heaving senses' ebb and flow ... Not with lost toil thou labourest through the night, Thou mak'st the heaven thou hop'st indeed thy home. Autosuggestion, far from producing callousness, dictates the method and supplies the means by which the truest sympathy can be practised.

Thus at last she opens out upon Aeneas: 'And thou didst hope, traitor, to mask the crime, and slip away in silence from my land? Our love holds thee not, nor the hand thou once gavest, nor the bitter death that is left for Dido's portion? Nay, under the wintry star thou labourest on thy fleet, and hastenest to launch into the deep amid northern gales; ah, cruel!

It is a great defect that thou labourest under, and therefore I would have thee learn at any rate to sign thy name." "I can sign my name well enough," said Sancho, "for when I was steward of the brotherhood in my village I learned to make certain letters, like the marks on bales of goods, which they told me made out my name.

It is a great defect that thou labourest under, and therefore I would have thee learn at any rate to sign thy name." "I can sign my name well enough," said Sancho, "for when I was steward of the brotherhood in my village I learned to make certain letters, like the marks on bales of goods, which they told me made out my name.