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"May I say fifty-five for you, sir?" said the auctioneer to the clean-shaven man in the kennel-coat. "If you'll just wait one moment, sir; I must just ask my " The clean-shaven man was edging his way towards the back of the crowd, where several ladies and gentlemen were seated at a table just out of sight of the ring. "Time and tide and auctioneers wait for no man, sir," continued the auctioneer.

Oh, thank you most awfully!" interrupted Christian, snatching at the dainties provided, and flitting away through the grey veils of the rain, a preposterous little figure, clad in a ragged kennel-coat, that had been long since discarded by the huntsman, a pair of couples slung round her neck, and a crop in her hand. It was a chilly, wet August afternoon.

Almost despairing now, and conscious that the limit of time given him was passed, he hurried back to the auction-room, caught a glimpse of his beautiful Tara standing sorrowful and stately in the ring, head and tail both carried low, and heard a tall, clean-shaven man in a kennel-coat bid forty-eight guineas for her. "Forty-eight!" echoed the auctioneer.

The lady thus addressed gazed with a greater intensity, but did not move. Christian took a piece of dog-biscuit from the ragged pocket of the kennel-coat, and, still walking closely in Cottingham's steps, bit it, ate a part of it, and carelessly flung the remainder in the direction of the shadow. This stole forth, and, having snapped up the biscuit, sank back into the covert.

At sixty-one guineas, gentlemen; lot number 127 is going a rare bargain for somebody going! Will nobody try another guinea on this magnifi Thank you, sir! That's a little better, gentlemen. Seventy guineas I think you said, sir?" this to the man in the kennel-coat, who had returned from his visit to the back of the crowd.

Christian, "still," as Rossetti says, "with the whole of pleasure," received these instructions reverently, and with the pockets of the kennel-coat further loaded with broken biscuit, "took and went" according to instructions. She climbed the fence behind the kennels, and addressed herself lightly to the ascent of the hill.