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What! when the Shah of Persia, the Khan of the Tartars, and the Prince of Karamania all sought thine hand, and dispatched embassadors laden with rich gifts to our court to demand thee in marriage, did I not send them back with cold words of denial to their sovereigns?

The bottoms of the dry glens were covered with wheat, and shrubbery began to make its appearance on the mountain-sides In the afternoon, we crossed a watershed, dividing Karamania from the great central plain of Asia Minor, and descended to a village called Ladik, occupying the site of the ancient Laodicea, at the foot of Allah Dagh.

As I found he was fond of voyages and travels, and from what he said of this book perceived that he was an excellent judge of their merits, I asked if he had ever happened to meet with a book called Karamania, by a Captain Beaufort.

The Plains of Karamania Afternoon Heat A Well Volcanic Phenomena Kara-bounar A Grand Ruined Khan Moonlight Picture A Landscape of the Plains-Mirages A Short Interview The Village of Ismil -Third Day on the Plains Approach to Konia. "A weary waste, expanding to the skies." Goldsmith. Konia, Capital of Karamania, Friday, June 25, 1854.

This lady is said to have been of noble English parentage, and was honourably interred at Antioch in Syria . Now Konieh, Erekli, and Marash; the two former in Karamania, the latter in Syria or Room. For this story, Hakluyt quotes Hist Bel. Sacr. lib. iii. c. xvii. and Chron. Hierosol. lib. iii c. xxvii. The Voyage of Edgar Aethling to Jerusalem, in 1102 .

Francois awoke us at the break of day, at Eregli, as we had a journey of twelve hours before us. Passing through the town, we traversed a narrow belt of garden and orchard land, and entered the great plain of Karamania. Our road led at first northward towards a range called Karadja Dagh, and then skirted its base westward.

Hares are not very numerous; to get three or four in a day is counted good luck; but one generally picks up one or two during a day's shooting. The coast of Karamania, taking in all the coast from some distance below Smyrna, passing Rhodes and so on to the Gulf of Ayas, affords all the way along capital sport to yachting men.

"Lo! where the pass expands Its stony jaws, the abrupt mountain breaks, And seems, with its accumulated crags, To overhang the world." Shelley. Eregli, in Karamania, June 22, 1852. Striking our tent in the gardens of Tarsus, we again crossed the Cydnus, and took a northern course across the plain.

He made some years ago a survey of the coast of Karamania, and wrote a small volume on that survey, which has obtained for him a good reputation. He has been for some years Hydrographer-Royal ... in one word, he is a person publicly esteemed, and privately he is beloved and esteemed by all who know him, most by those who love him best.

This green gateway opens suddenly upon another, cut through a glittering mass of micaceous rock, whence one looks down on the town and Gulf of Scanderoon, the coast of Karamania beyond, and the distant snows of the Taurus. We descended through groves of pine and oak, and in three hours more reached the shore.