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This man, in his confidences, asserts broadly that he does not mean to be thrown over, and that man has a project for throwing over somebody else; and the intention of each is that scruples are not to stand in the way of his success. The "Ruat coelum, fiat justitia," was said, no doubt, from an outside balcony to a crowd, and the speaker knew that he was talking buncombe.

Oh, do not say, as I fancy you will, There is not a happier being than Kate in all the land of freedom. "Fiat justitia," dear madam, "ruat coelum." I cannot conceive how being "owned" is anything but a curse.

It is the same ecclesiastic principle as that celebrated motto, Fiat justitia, pereat mundus; humanity and justice are ideas and ghosts to which everything is sacrificed. The enthusiast for humanity leaves out of consideration persons as far as his enthusiasm extends, and walks in a vague ideal of sacred interest. Humanity is not a person but an ideal an imagination.

Imperium ac justitia he might have said; but he could never have used together the conceptions of Empire and Freedom. The peoples subdued by Rome Spain, Gaul, Africa received from Rome justice, and for this gift blessed Rome's name, deifying her genius.

"It is my unpleasant duty to tell you that you certainly have," said the Doctor, gravely. "As plainly indicated as I ever saw it. Furthermore, it is seriously complicated with fiat justitia ruat caelum, with strong hints of the presence of in media tutissimus ibis." "Great Scott! can I ever get well?" groaned poor Jake.

Of the above-mentioned cinnamon-coloured house a local official had wittily observed: "Here is Justitia, here is Policia, here is Militia a regular boarding school of high-born young ladies."

'No, said he, gravely. 'Even at the cost of my secret becoming known, I should have the man arrested. 'Well, said Graham, with a shrug, 'you are more of a hero than I am, bishop. The cost of exposing the wretch seems too great. 'Graham! Graham! I must do what is right at all hazards. 'Fiat justitia ruat coelum! muttered the doctor, 'there is a morsel of dictionary Latin for you.