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But presently Dent brings up a poor fellow who has killed a hare, and when I've got through my 'justicing, as Carroll calls it, I'm inclined for a ride round the glebe, and on my way back I meet with the master of the workhouse, who has got a long story of a mutinous pauper to tell me; and so the day goes on, and I'm always the same lazy fellow before evening sets in.

I will e'en resume my old trade and do a little justicing on my own account. Shake hands this instant, you young bantams!" And the Prince sat back in his chair and looked grimly at us. I went a step forward. But Von Reuss held aloof. "Provost Marshal!" cried the Prince, in a voice which made every one in the room jump and all the glasses ring on the table "bring a guard!"

See here, Jack," she went on judicially, "you've played one or two neat strokes to-night: but one or two neat strokes don't make a professional. You'll have to give up this justicing. You've no head for it." "Indeed?" retorted Mr. Rogers. "Then since it seems you see deeper into this business than most of us, perhaps you'll favour us with your advice."

"But," continued Severne, "if I hadn't, nobody would; for it is Vizard's justicing day, and the ladies are too taken up with a lord to come and meet such vulgar trifles as genius and learning and sci " "Come, come!" said Rhoda, contemptuously; "you care as little about science and learning and genius as I possess them. You won't tell me? Well, I shall find you out."

More than that he could not say, for he had met them, and was full half a mile from the mere before those men could have reached it. Following up this clew, Mr. Atkins learned so many ugly things, that he went to the Bench on justicing day, and demanded a full and searching inquiry on the premises.