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"A gentleman is coming," said Emilia, by no means intimidated, though the forehead of Mr. Pericles looked portentous. "He was bringing me to you." "Zen, jomp in!" cried Mr. Pericles. Here Sir Purcell came up. Emilia said softly: "Mr. Pericles." There was the form of a bow of moderate recognition between them, but other hats were off to Emilia.

And when I fight all dat bobcat dat jomp on maself, ba gee! it was de settee dat fall on me and I fight dat all over de floor. Dat's all! Oh yes! Dey all wake up and shoot!" "And nobody hurt!" stated Morrison. He gazed at the sour faces of the listeners. "Great Scott! Doesn't Duchesne's battle to the death with a settee get even a grin? What's the matter with all of you?"

Tall, ver' smart, and he play in theatre at Montreal. It is in the winter. P'tite Louison visit Montreal. She walk past the theatre and, as she go by, she slip on the snow and fall. Out from a door with a jomp come M'sieu' Hadrian, and pick her up. And when he see the purty face of P'tite Louison, his eyes go all fire, and he clasp her hand to his breast.

The loud murmur, increasing to a roar, of the sea, was trying enough as we approached, buoyed on the last long undulation. "Now sit still, massa, bote." We sank down into the trough, and presently were hove forwards with a smooth sliding motion up on the beach until grit, grit, we stranded on the cream coloured sand, high and dry. "Now jomp, massa, jomp."