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The fire had now swept to within a few yards of the outer edge of the camp, but an open way had been cleared and saturated to check its advance and the roofs of the shacks were kept soaked by a score or more of alert workers as a precaution against the blowing sparks. Tom Slade had not answered any of Jeb's calls for him.

"Sneaked off just like you," he said; "I was wondering where you were. I see you were down for the mail. Anything doing?" he asked with ill-concealed curiosity. "They're coming," Tom said. "Who's coming?" "Roy and the troop," Tom answered. "Oh. Nothing important, huh?" "I got some mail for camp; I'm going down to Uncle Jeb's cabin; I'll be right back," Tom said.

An' when the ole folks goes to bed, Nance lays thar under a quilt a-watchin' an' a-listenin'. Well, Jeb knowed the premises, ef he couldn't talk, an' purty soon Nance heerd Jeb's cheer creak a leetle, an' she says, Jeb's a-comin', and Jeb was; an' Polly Ann 'lowed Jeb was jes a leetle TOO resolute an' quick-like, an' she got her hand ready to give him one lick anyways fer bein' so brigaty.

Let's call to Jeb to go back and meet we-all at the Cliffs so's we kin put him acrost one of the hosses." In half an hour, therefore, Mr. Ratzger, the senior member of the law firm of Riggley and Ratzger, of New York, was carried in front of the Rainbow Cliffs and placed in Jeb's arms, while another man led Jeb's horse carefully towards the ranch-house. "Ah, so these are Rainbow Cliffs, are they!