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"It was the house-fielding." "But you can't stick on side at house-fielding. I defy any one to. It's too early in the morning." "I didn't turn up." "What! Why?" "Oh, I don't know." "No, but, look here, really. Did you simply bunk it?" "Yes." Wyatt leaned on the end of Mike's bed, and, having observed its occupant thoughtfully for a moment, proceeded to speak wisdom for the good of his soul.

In this fermenting state Mike went into the house. The list of the team to play for Wain's v. Seymour's on the following Monday was on the board. As he passed it, a few words scrawled in pencil at the bottom caught his eye. "All the above will turn out for house-fielding at 6.30 to-morrow morning. "Oh, dash it," said Mike, "what rot! Why on earth can't he leave us alone!"

I was only telling him that there was going to be house-fielding to-morrow before breakfast." "Didn't he like the idea?" "He's jolly well got to like it," said the Gazeka, as who should say, "This way for Iron Wills." "The frightful kid cut it this morning. There'll be worse trouble if he does it again." There was, it may be mentioned, not an ounce of malice in the head of Wain's house.

"Young Jackson," he said, "look here, I want to know what it all means, and jolly quick. You weren't at house-fielding this morning. Didn't you see the notice?" Mike admitted that he had seen the notice. "Then you frightful kid, what do you mean by it? What?" Mike hesitated. Awfully embarrassing, this.

"Anyhow, his keenness isn't enough to make him turn out for house-fielding. If you really want to know, that's why you've got your first instead of him. You sweated away, and improved your fielding twenty per cent.; and I happened to be talking to Firby-Smith and found that young Mike had been shirking his, so out he went. A bad field's bad enough, but a slack field wants skinning."

His real reason for not turning up to house-fielding was that he considered himself above such things, and Firby-Smith a toothy weed. Could he give this excuse? There was no arguing against the fact that the head of the house was a toothy weed; but he felt a firm conviction that it would not be politic to say so. Happy thought: over-slept himself. He mentioned this. "Over-slept yourself!