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Hauing thus spoken the people had entrance, so that all the hall, parlours, and chambers being furnished with tables and stooles, they were conuenientlie placed, and serued with vittels to the full. Houed. Matth. Paris. Ger.

The siege began the seauenth day of Julie, and on the 28. day of the same moneth the armie departed from thence, a truce being granted to those that still defended a certeine tower of the castell into the which they were withdrawne. For the which truce happilie some rewards went betwixt, and so the English lords with spoiles and gaines returned homewards. Houed. Houed.

The letters which the foresaid popes did send touching this matter, were remaining safe and sound amongst other writings in the colledge at Yorke, when Polydor Virgil wrote the histories of England, the copies whereof in an old ancient booke he confesseth to haue séene and read. Houed. To William de Albenie earle of Arundell, he gaue the earledome of Sussex.

The Frenchmen thus inuading the foresaid countries, did much hurt with robbing and spoiling, and also tooke diuerse castels and townes. R. Houed. This towne of Vernueil was in those daies diuided into three portions, beside the castell, euerie of them apart from other with mightie wals and déepe ditches full of water.

In the meane while, the earle of Leicester passed forward on his waie so farre as Fornham a little village beside S. Edmundsburie. Houed. ¶ But here is to be noted, that it séemeth by the report of some writers, how the earle of Leicester had not so great an armie there at that battell, as by others account of the number slaine and taken it should appeare he had.

Paris. Matth. West. Wil. Paruus. Ger. The kings horssemen herevpon came streight waies to Northampton, and following the enimies, could not ouertake them. Reg. Houed.

Howbeit though the enimies could not preuaile thus to get the citie by this assault, yet they continued the siege, and suffered not them with it to be in quiet, but daie and night assailed them by one meanes or other. Houed. In this meane while, king Lewes continued still his siege before Rouen, constreining them within by all meanes he could deuise to yeeld vp their citie.

For stones that laie couched fast in the earth, were remooued out of their places, stone houses were ouerthrowne, and the great church of Lincolne was rent from the top downwards. Houed. Particular and not generall, saieth Ger. Ger. Dor. This Hugh was reputed a verie godlie and vertuous man.

Now as he forecast that matter, euen so it came to passe, for whilest a great péece of the next daie was spent in feined talke about an agréement; K. Lewes appointed a great part of his host to close the towne about, and to declare vnto them within, that king Henrie was put to flight; which talke they within Vernueil beléeuing, yéelded the towne & themselues to the Frenchmen. Houed.

[Sidenote: R. Houed. John the kings sonne made king of Ireland. Ger. Dor.] This yeare the last of March, king Henrie made his sonne John knight, and shortlie after sent him ouer into Ireland, of which countrie he had made him king. At his comming into Ireland, he was honourablie receiued of the archbishop of Diueline, and other noble men that had béene sent thither before him. The king allowed him great abundance of treasure, but he hauing learned that Non minor est virtus qu