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This is therefore the kind of organ which would be expected to be affected by hormones from the generative organs. It is stated that the sexual instincts were also unaltered, a male containing ovaries instead of testes readily copulating with a normal female. Univ. Cases in Lepidoptera, e.g. Amphidasys betularia, have frequently been recorded.

In the adult stage activity of the legs produces hormones which influence the same determinants in the gametes to develop legs, but again in the presence of the different hormones which are present in the body generally in the adult stage.

These points in his favor, and other similarities to man, are the reasons which led me to select the goat as the best possible material in this work. Goat-glands alone seemed to be harmonious and sympathetic when transplanted into the human body. In other words, the hormones of goat and man agree. We still know less about the causes of hormones than the effects.

It sums up details, economizes brain-work and so is cherished by the intellect. The study of the internal secretions has advanced by leaps and bounds since it became convenient to speak of them as hormones.

We may suppose that the factor for horns had disappeared entirely from the hornless sheep by a mutation, but in the horned breed another mutation had been a weakening of the influence of the sexual hormones on the development of the character, which, as in all such cases, is really inherited in both sexes.

In the female this was dark eosin colour, in the male yellowish eosin. But this case differs from the characters particularly under consideration here in two points: there is no suggestion that it was adaptive, or that it was influenced by hormones from the gonads.

The Metamorphizer not only worked, but it worked with unbelievable rapidity. Overnight. I knew nothing about the speed at which ordinary fertilizers, plant stimulants or hormones took hold, but commonsense told me nothing like this had ever happened so quickly.

Calhoun brought out hormones and enzymes and medicaments from the Med Ship while the guard in the ship looked on. He demonstrated the processes of synthesis and auto-catalysis that enabled such small samples to be multiplied indefinitely. He was annoyed by a clamorous appetite.

Such a conclusion inevitably suggests that the investigator is proving too much. The subject of the influence of hormones from the gonads is mentioned, but not fully discussed, in a volume by Dr. Origin Of Somatic Sex-Characters In Evolution

The view above suggested merely attempts to bring our real knowledge of the difference between ovum and sperm into relation with our real knowledge of the sex-chromosomes and their behaviour in reduction and fertilisation. Influence Of Hormones On Development Of Somatic Sex-Characters We have next to consider what are commonly called secondary sexual characters.