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Therewith the immense emphasis placed on excretion, and the inevitable reaction that emphasis aroused, both alike disappear. The sexual protagonists are no longer at the surface but within the most secret recesses of the organism, and they appear to science under the name of Hormones or Internal Secretions, always at work within and never themselves condescending to appear at all.

This was the commencement of organotherapy. Since that time investigation of the more important organs of internal secretion namely, the gonads, thyroid, thymus, suprarenals, pituitary, and pineal bodies has been carried on both by clinical observation and experiment by a great number of physiologists with very striking results, and new hormones have been discovered in the walls of the intestine and other organs.

Movement outside moved the being within: fervid movement that flourished pleasurably in one's loins, harmonized with hormones amuck in the bloodstream, and revived dopamine that was to be as lightning through neurons and pleasure receptors of the brain. When they returned the mail had come. The envelope of one letter had been forwarded from Chongju to Umsong and then Umsong to Seoul.

The soul was once a subtlety of metaphysics. Now when mind appears soaked in matter saturated with chemicals like the hormones, therefore woven out of material threads, the independent entity created out of intangible spirit flies like a ghost at dawn. View the outlook.

We may suppose, therefore, that the determinants of the zygote have acquired a tendency to produce the increases and decreases of tissue which constitute a certain modification, e.g. the change in the position of the eyes in a Flat-fish, but the stimulus which caused this tendency has always acted when the adult combination of hormones was present.

The theory of the heredity of somatogenic modifications by means of hormones harmonises with and goes far to explain the facts of metamorphosis and recapitulation in adaptive characters, and also the origin of secondary sexual characters, their correlation with the periodical changes in the gonads and the effects of castration.

This conception, we find, is now receiving an admirable and beautifully adequate physical basis in the researches of distinguished physiologists in various lands concerning the parts played by the ductless glands of the body, in sensitive equilibrium with each other, pouring out into the system stimulating and inhibiting hormones, which not only confer on the man's or woman's body those specific sexual characters which we admire but at the same time impart the special tone and fibre and polarity of masculinity or femininity to the psychic disposition.

"The substances which they secrete are called 'hormones' those chemical messengers, as it were, by which many of the processes of the body are regulated. In fact, no field of experimental physiology is richer in interest than this. It seems that few ordinary drugs approach in their effects on metabolism the hormones of the thyroid.

If they were mutations not caused by any influence from the exterior, what is the reason why these particular characters which alone have an adaptive relation to the sexual or reproductive habits of the animal are also the only characters which are influenced by the hormones of the reproductive organs?

The idea of mutations implies neither an external relation nor an internal relation in the organ or character; but these characters have both, the external relation in the function they perform in the sexual life of the individual, the internal relation in the fact that their development is affected by the sexual hormones.