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The Mendelian theory therefore is that when an ovum has two X sex-chromosomes it can only after a number of cell-divisions, at the following reduction division, give rise to ova, while an ovum containing one X sex-chromosome, or two different, XY, chromosomes, at the next reduction division gives rise to spermatozoa.

After the meiotic or reduction divisions each gamete of course contains in its nucleus four single chromosomes. One of the four pairs consists of the sex-chromosomes.

The factor for red eye occurs in the sex-chromosomes, that is to say, according to this theory, the sex-chromosome does not merely determine sex but carries other factors as well, and this fact is the explanation of sex-linked inheritance. The factor for red eye then is present in both X chromosomes of the wild female, absent from both X and Y chromosomes of the white-eyed male.

Thus supposing M to represent a modification acquired in the male and m the absence of the modification, such as the feathered antenna of a moth, and the sex-chromosomes to be X and Y, then we should have in the gametocytes Male Female MM mm Gametes MX, MX: mXmY Zygotes MmXX male, MmXY female,

According to Doncaster it has been found that in some Lepidoptera the different sex-chromosomes occur in the female, not in the male as in other insects. Half the eggs, therefore, contain an X chromosome, and half a Y, while all the sperms contain an X chromosome. Doncaster has seen in Abraxas grossulariata ova with two nuclei both undergoing maturation.

The view above suggested merely attempts to bring our real knowledge of the difference between ovum and sperm into relation with our real knowledge of the sex-chromosomes and their behaviour in reduction and fertilisation. Influence Of Hormones On Development Of Somatic Sex-Characters We have next to consider what are commonly called secondary sexual characters.

In two of these pairs the chromosomes are elongated and shaped like boomerangs, in the third they are small, round granules, and the fourth pair are the sex-chromosomes: in the female these last are straight rods, in the male one is straight as in the female, the other is bent. The straight ones are called the X chromosomes, the bent one the Y chromosome.

Then as each somatic cell is descended without segregation from the fertilised ovum, we may suppose that the presence of the sex-chromosomes in the somatic cells themselves in some way determines whether male or female characters shall develop, without the aid of any hormones from the gonads.

This theory would be quite compatible with the belief that adaptive somatic sex-characters may be due to external stimulation, for supposing that the hypertrophy or modification is conveyed to the determinants in the gametocytes, and was confined to one sex, e.g. the male, then these determinants would be modified in association with the sex-chromosomes of that sex, and thus though after reduction and fertilisation they would be present in the female zygote also, they would not develop in that sex.

The zygote therefore, whether the sex of it is determined as male or female, has the same factor for the development of milk glands. On the chromosome theory as formulated by Morgan this factor must be in the somatic chromosomes and not in the sex-chromosomes, and must be present in every zygote.