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"She's a practical homemaker, that's what she is; and you're a well, it's unintelligent of you to go on living alone, that's all, with that wrinkled map of Ireland for your only appetizer." The judge looked thoughtful. "I hadn't got as far as that," he said. "My habits are pretty hopelessly settled, I'm afraid. I don't think I ought to inflict myself on anybody at this late day." "Nonsense.

One of the fundamental requisites for the efficient operation of the home plant is that the homemaker shall have a firm grasp upon the financial part of the business. To estimate the number of homes wrecked every year by lack of this economic knowledge is of course impossible; but you can call up without effort many cases in which this lack was at least a contributing element to the wreck.

If we are to teach our girls and our boys to be homemakers, we must consider carefully what they need to know. If we are to counteract the tendencies of the past two or three decades away from homemaking as a vocation, we must show the true value of the homemaker to the community, and the opportunities which domestic life presents to the scientifically trained mind.

The head of the family as citizen, employee, husband, and father; the wife as homemaker; the children; the family health and recreations; the principles involved in spending and saving; the principles of effectual relief; the relations of the church to the poor, these will be considered in turn.

You'll see what a good one I shall make after I've learned how. I should love to do it. A girl a really, truly girl, Uncle Tom, can't help wanting to keep house for somebody." "No more she can, dear, and she ought to want to, too. It is her work in the world to be a homemaker the one who touches with comfort and with beauty the lives of those about her.

It is this small ranchman, this actual settler and homemaker, who in the long run is most hurt by permitting thefts of the public land in whatever form. Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible; this is not so.