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'Oh no; only I wondered how you knew the name, said Vava, and she took no more notice of his knowledge, and chattered on gaily about the new house, adding, 'Stella and I are not going to get anything on the hire-system; she says she could not enjoy sitting in an arm-chair that had not been paid for. Mr. Jones nodded approval. 'That's quite right, and just what I should expect from your sister.

No wonder they wouldn't have me in the end, for, of course, it's very important to get good furniture and to set up a house somewhere nice and snug ... but I never was one for scringing and scrounging ... my money always melted away from the minute I got it ... and I couldn't bear the look of the furniture-men when you asked them how much it would cost to furnish a house on the hire-system!"

'Oh but you need not worry about that. We can furnish on the hire-system; they will let you have any amount! cried Eva. 'I would rather not, persisted Stella. Amy looked grave. 'I don't see how we are to manage without hiring, and I don't think our landlord would feel satisfied if we had no furniture to speak of, and I have only ten pounds to spend, and Eva has less, I believe.

It shall have a garden and a lawn and a tree I must have a tree; it's so ideal to sit and have tea in the garden under a tree, or read a book in a canvas-chair on a summer's day, replied Eva. 'I don't care for the hire-system, and houses with gardens and lawns and trees are not to be found in London.

I have an idea; let's take a house between us the four of us! cried Eva suddenly. Stella looked up, startled at this abrupt suggestion; but Eva's chum Amy, who was used to her ways, only smiled, and said jestingly, 'Where do you mean to take a house, and how would you furnish it? 'In the suburbs; and as for furnishing, we could do that on the hire-system.

I insist upon knowing. 'You don't approve of her yourself, Stella, said Vava. 'I don't remember ever having said so. 'You said you did not approve of her buying that suite of furniture, Vava reminded her. 'I beg your pardon, I said I did not approve of getting furniture on the hire-system for myself; but I never criticised Eva.