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He opened fire, squeezing the trigger rapidly. The first row of green-clad men were immediately frozen. Dropping to one knee, the spaceman again opened fire, and men in the second row stiffened as they tried to return the fire. "Fire! Cut him down!" roared Hilmarc frantically. The men broke ranks and the area in front of Sinclair's house crackled with paralo-ray gunfire.

"I'm going to count to five," announced Connel grimly, lifting his paralo-ray gun, "and if you and your playmates aren't back in your ships, I start blasting." "That would be unwise," replied Hilmarc. "Your one gun against all of ours." Connel grinned. "I know. It's going to be a whale of a fight, isn't it?" Then, without pause, he shouted, "One two three four five!"

The men stared at the ship, confused, but Hilmarc issued a curt command. "Return to the ships!" "But but he'll blast us," whined one of the men. "He'll kill us all." "You fool!" roared Hilmarc. "It must be a friend of Connel's or Sinclair's. He won't dare fire an atomic shell near this house, for fear of killing his friends! Now get aboard your ships and blast off!"

Immediately before him, two of the green-clad men were holding Sinclair while Hilmarc addressed him arrogantly. "This is just the beginning, Sinclair. Don't try to cross us again. Neither you nor anyone else can stop us!" He whirled around and faced Connel. "And as for you and your Solar Guard, Major Connel, you can tell them "

One of the green-clad men released Hilmarc from the effects of Connel's ninth shot and he stepped forward to stare straight into Connel's eyes. "I know you can hear me, Major. I want to compliment you on your shooting. But your brave resistance now is as futile as the resistance of the entire Solar Guard in the near future." Hilmarc smiled arrogantly and stepped back.

"If you'd take off that Halloween mask, I might know who I'm talking to!" "My name is Hilmarc." "Hilmarc?" "Yes. I am the leader of this detachment." "Leader, huh?" grunted Connel. "Leader of what? A bunch of little tin soldiers?" "You shall see, Major." Hilmarc's voice was low and threatening.