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Dakie Thayne makes things yield of themselves as far as they will; he brings capacity and character to bear upon his ends as well as money; he knows his money would not last forever if he did not. Mr. Sherrett and Rodney stayed at Hill-hope over the Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbright arrived on Saturday morning.

Sylvie had a handful of checks; Rodney took them from her, and went out to the end of the platform to find the boxes. Two vehicles had been driven over from Hill-hope to meet her; an open spring-wagon for the luggage, and a chaise-top buggy to convey herself.

The suggestion of that is too much like Mary Moxall's 'heap that everybody knows the name of." "Why not call it 'Hill-hope'? 'The hills, whence cometh our strength; 'the mountain of the height of Israel where the Lord will plant it, and the dry tree shall flourish'?" "Thank you," said Mr. Kirkbright, heartily. "That is the right word. It is named." Desire said nothing.

Sylvie was glad to go on about Desire, about the wedding, about Hill-hope, and the plans for living there. "I think it will be almost like heaven," she said. "It will be home and happiness; all that people look forward to for themselves. And yet, right alongside, there will be the work and the help. It will open right out into it, as heaven does into earth. Mr. Kirkbright is a grand man." "Yes.

They drove on rapidly along the level; then they came to the long, gradual slope that brought them down into Brickfields. To the right, just before reaching the Basin, a turn struck off that skirted round, partly ascending again until it fell into the Cone Hill road and so led direct to Hill-hope.

Kirkbright had given especial pains and foresight to the filling of this little greenhouse. He meant that there should be a summer pleasantness at Hill-hope from the very first.

Who?" asked Rodney, wondering. "Beginning again. Growing good. Those people who are coming up to Hill-hope. There's a man coming, with his wife; a young man, who got into bad ways, and took to drinking. Mr. Vireo has been watching and advising him so long! He married them, five years ago, and they have two little children. The wife is delicate; she has worried through everything.