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That young person did not stand on the order of going. She acted at once and sent out invitations to what proved to be one of the biggest soirées dansantes of the season. Everything was done on a most liberal scale. The house was decorated by Herly, three picturesque fiddlers were obtained from an agency, and Mazzoni, who provides delicacies for the "400," had charge of the catering.

"They was jes' crossin' the churchyard when I spied 'em," answered Bainton; "An' Sir Morton was makin' some very speshul observations of his own on the 'herly Norman period. Hor-hor-hor! An' they've got ole Putty Leveson with 'em " "Bainton!" interrupted Walden severely; "How often must I tell you that you should not speak of the rector of Badsworth in that disrespectful manner?"

But she dide and my guvnor why hes been a gitten the rong side of the post hever sins that hunfortunate day. Praps you knows Mr. Pindargrasp what it is to lose a mother in your herly hinfantsey. But I was at the guvnor hovers and hovers agin, but hall of no yuse. 'He as stumpt hoff with my missus and now he shall stump hup the reddy. Them was my guvnors hown words halways. Well, Mr.

You have already pleased her, your admirable manners must succeed in captivating her, and a fond father's wishes will be crowned on the day in which you enter our family. "'Recklect, gents, says I to the 2 lords, 'a barging's a barging I'll pay hoff Southdown's Jews, when I'm his brother. I'll make your incumbrinces as right as a trivit, and restor the ouse of Bareacres to its herly splender.

Less than two days before, on the afternoon of July twenty-seventh Wells had been riding on horseback toward the town of Herly. Five miles outside the town, he was riding through a little wood, when he saw, far up across the lake, a submarine which rose suddenly above the waves. He stopped, tied his horse, and stole on foot to the edge of the lake.

"Written in my town, this 28th day of April, 1529, in the presence of Gonzalvo Fernandez, Denys Mac D c, Doctor of Arms and Medicine, Denys Tathe, Maurice Herly. The Pilgrim, pp. 171-175.

"This I said, detummind to put a good fase on the matter: and because in herly times I'd reseaved a great deal of kindniss from the hold lady, which I should be a roag to forgit. She paid for my schooling; she got up my fine linning gratis; shes given me many & many a lb; and manys the time in appy appy days when me and Maryhann has taken tea.