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She crept into the crevice of her husband's arm from behind as he stood in his waistcoat, washing his hands in the carbolic solution at the bowl and washstand. He turned, surprised, unconsciously placing himself between her and the reeky water. "Henry," she said, rubbing up against the alpaca back to his vest like an ingratiating Maltese tabby, "Hen-ery."

How plainly he remembered how she had, with girlish shyness and coyness, at first hesitated, and murmured something to herself about "an old bald-beaded galoot," but when he told her that to him life without her would be a blasted mockery, and that his income was L50,000 a year, she threw herself on to him and froze there with the tenacity of a tick on a brindled cow, and said, with tears of joy, "Hen-ery, I am thine."

She saw him now and knew him, and tried in her poor and already burningly ashamed way to force her chattering jaws together. "Hen-ery dream bad fish Hen-ery " He drew her up to the side of the bed, covering her shivering knees as she sat there, and throwing a blanket across her shoulders.

But, I swan! you can't tell that girl nothing, for all she seems so mild and meachin'. I was wonderin' if you couldn't shove some sense into her, Abby. Now, I'd like th' job of furnishin' up that house with new stuff. 'I don't carry a very big stock of furniture, I sez to her; but " "Why, Hen-ery Daggett!" reproved his wife, "an' you a reg'lar professing member of the church!

"In a minute, Em," he said, rather puzzled and wishing she would wait. Suddenly, swinging herself back from him by his waistcoat lapel, easily, because of his tenseness to keep her clear of the bowl of water, she directed her eyes straight into his. "Hen-ery Hen-ery," each pronouncement of his name surging higher in her throat. "Why, Em?" "Hen-ery, I haven't words sweet enough to tell you."