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You'd ought all to be abed, and, ef you'll take my advice, you'll go to sleep as soon as you can, an stay asleep as long as you can. It'll be a foggy night, an we won't see a mite o' sunshine till we git into Digby harbure. See now, it's already dark; so take my advice, an go to bed, like civilized humane beings." It did not need much persuasion to send them off to their beds.

"Here we air, boys," said the captain, as they came on deck, "under way the Antelope on her windin way over the mounting wave, a bereasting of the foamin biller like all possessed. I prophesy for this day a good time as long as the tide lasts." "Do you think we'll get to Eastport harbor with this tide?" "Do I think so? I know it. I feel it down to my butes. Eastport harbure? Yea!

"We're a enterin o' the harbure," said Captain Corbet. Hours passed away from the time the Antelope raised anchor until she reached the wharf. In passing up the harbor, the shadowy forms of vessels at anchor became distinguishable amid the gloom, and in front of them, as they neared the wharf, there arose a forest of masts belonging to schooners. It was now midday.

Of course we'll have to ask after poor Tom, but we haven't any curiosity." "Wal, p'aps not ony thar is people that find this a dreadful cur'ous place. It's got, as I said, a pootyish harbure; but that ain't the grand attraction.

An arter that we hev all plain-sailin." "Why, won't the fog last?" "I don't car for the fog. Arter we get to Eastport harbure we cease goin down the bay. We then cross over an steal up the other side. Then it's all our own.