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'It is simpler to be married, Yossel interrupted. 'Married! echoed the artist angrily. 'The witnesses are coming to my lodging this afternoon, Yossel continued calmly. 'Dovidel and Yitzkoly from the Beth Hamedrash. 'They think they are only coming to a farewell glass of brandy, chuckled the grandmother. 'But they will find themselves at a secret wedding.

Perhaps the Milovka study-house boasted even Cabbalists starving themselves into celestial visions and graduating for the Divine kiss. How infinitely restful after the Milovka market-place! No more, for that day at least, would he prate of Self-Defence and the horrible Modern. He asked the way to the Beth Hamedrash. How fraternally the sages and the youths would greet him!

But Yossel was not to be found so easily, and the artist's resolution strengthened with each false scent. Yossel was ultimately run to earth, or rather to Heaven, in the Beth Hamedrash, where he was shaking himself studiously over a Babylonian folio, in company with a motley assemblage of youths and greybeards equally careless of the demands of life.

Oh, to forget the Parties, the jangle of politics and philosophies, the tohu-bohu of his unhappy day! He must bathe his soul in an hour's peace; he would go back like a child to the familiar study-house of his youth, to the Beth Hamedrash where the greybeards pored over the great worm-eaten folios, and the youths rocked in their expository incantations.

He rummaged his memory for 'news' for theological ingeniosities, textual wire-drawings that might have escaped the lore of Milovka; and as one who draws nigh to a great haven, he opened the door of the Beth Hamedrash, and, murmuring 'Peace be to you, dropped upon a bench before an open folio whose commentaries and super-commentaries twined themselves lovingly in infinite convolutions round its holy text.