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A small fire still burned on the hearth in the centre of the lodge; around it lay the bodies of dead men, women, and children. Only one figure, that of an old woman, remained in a half-reclining position, but she was motionless, and they thought her dead also. This, however, was not the case.

On the eastern side was a rocky promontory, and close to the edge of this cliff, an hundred feet in sheer descent, rose a gnarled, time and tempest-twisted chestnut tree. Here the borderman laid down his rifle and knapsack, and, half-reclining against the tree, settled himself to rest and wait. This craggy point was the lonely watch-tower of eagles.

"As God is my judge, I am as much puzzled and amazed at the scene that has taken place here to-night as you can be." The mother wrung her hands and wept. "It was the storm that first awakened me," added Marchdale; "and then I heard a scream." The brothers tremblingly approached the bed. Flora was placed in a sitting, half-reclining posture, propped up by pillows.

Hadassah and her grand-daughter seated themselves in a half-reclining posture upon skins that were spread on the tiled floor; and while Zarah listened with glistening eyes, the Hebrew widow told her dream to the maiden. "Methought, in the visions of the night for I snatched a brief hour of repose after our return from the burial I beheld two women before me.

Henri added his name to the list, and for several days he returned each morning to inscribe it anew, feeling certain that, as soon as Valentine was able to be placed half-reclining on a couch, she would give orders that he should be admitted to her presence. But nothing of the kind occurred.

Without changing his half-reclining posture, the Shawanoe drew forth his small Bible from the inner pocket of his hunting shirt, the other watching with amazement the action. Opening the sacred volume, he read in his low, musical voice: "'Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. "'Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

But even this presentiment did not prepare him for the astonishing sight which met his eyes when he entered the drawing-room. There the three ladies were all assembled, regarding with different developments of interest the new-comer, who had thrown himself, half-reclining, on a sofa.