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So saying he drew his sword and crossed toward the king. But Captain Ernst Maenck never reached his sovereign. As the terrified shriek of the sorry monarch rang through the interior of the desolate ruin another sound mingled with it, half-drowning the piercing wail of terror.

Did one of the Wyverns have a disk focused on them? Were they being pulled into one of those blank periods, to awaken as prisoners once more say, in the cavern of the veil? The Terran fought with every ounce of will power to escape unconsciousness, but he failed. This time he did not awaken half-drowning in an underground stream or facing a green mist.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, half-undressed, and smoked out a pipe, he kept seeing her in memory, as he had seen her in the flesh the past twelve hours, in her varied moods and guises the woman who had talked music with him, and who had expounded music to him to his delight; who had enticed the sages into the discussion and abandoned him to arrange the bridge tables for her guests; who had nestled in the big chair as girlish as the two girls with her; who had, with a hint of steel, quelled her husband's obstreperousness when he had threatened to sing Mountain Lad's song; who, unafraid, had bestridden the half-drowning stallion in the swimming tank; and who, a few hours later, had dreamed into the dining room, distinctive in dress and person, to meet her many guests.

IN the flush, and the rush, and the crush of Life's battle, When the stern blow of Right dashes loud on steeled Wrong, Half-drowning the voice of the babe's holy prattle, Remember the watchword the motto "Be strong!"

And we, too, feel but little change among those scenes of long ago, those best-beloved haunts of boyhood, where we have had so many good days and bad, days of rising trout and success; days of failure, and even of half-drowning.

Not yet not yet higher! higher! till I stand up to the waist in the briny flood, and even above that the spray washes around me against my face over my shoulders into my mouth, and eyes, and ears half-stifling me, half-drowning me! O merciful Father!