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"D the fellow!" he said, almost out loud in the cab; but though he did with his outward voice allude to Eames, the curse in his inner thoughts was uttered against himself. Johnny was allowed to make his way down to the platform, and there find his own carpet-bag. One young porter, however, came up and fraternised with him. "You guve it him tidy just at that last moment, sir.

And once she got him a job in Buxbaum's old place, she told me, to work in the orchestra. But his nobs kicked. Said he'd cut his throat before playin' in a roughneck orchestra and who did she think he was to do such a thing? He says to her: I'm Weintraub Weintraub, d'ye understand? And he hauls off and wallops her one and she guve up tryin' to get him a job.

"Sure," says Bat, "nothing easier." "Wull thur be eny chaarge?" "Not for ladies," says Bat, saluting, hand to hat, and grinning more sleepily than ever. "Then, A wull guve it t' y': wull y' write it, sor?" "Sure!" Bat squared himself to one of the reporters' high desks. "Mestriss Leez-y O'Fannigan," dictated the little publicity agent.

"Throuble, indeed!" echoed Bryan, as he sat on a rock smoking his pipe; "troth it's more nor him came to throuble by that same fish: it guve me the throuble o' bein' more nor half choked by Massan." "Half choked, Bryan! what mean you?" asked Frank. "Mane? I just mane what I say; an' the raison why's best known to himself."