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Hullo, Uncle, are you going out?" "I'm just going down to the town," announced Mr. James Gurtleberry, with an air of some importance: "I want to hear what people are saying about Albania. Affairs there are beginning to take on a very serious look. It's my opinion that we haven't seen the worst of things yet."

In this he was probably right, but there was nothing in the immediate or prospective condition of Albania to warrant Mrs. Gurtleberry in bursting into tears. Rex Dillot was nearly twenty-four, almost good-looking and quite penniless.

That would be carrying matters too far." Mrs. Hatch-Mallard renewed the lease in due course, but Ada Bleek has never renewed her friendship. "These Mappin Terraces at the Zoological Gardens are a great improvement on the old style of wild-beast cage," said Mrs. James Gurtleberry, putting down an illustrated paper; "they give one the illusion of seeing the animals in their natural surroundings.

Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the lilac tree about the habits of caterpillars." "I really will not listen to such things about your uncle," protested Mrs. James Gurtleberry angrily. "My own case is just as bad and just as tragic," said the niece, dispassionately; "nearly everything about me is conventional make-believe.

As a substitute for a narrow cage the new enclosures are excellent, but I should think they are a poor imitation of a life of liberty." "It's rather depressing to think that," said Mrs. Gurtleberry; "they look so spacious and so natural, but I suppose a good deal of what seems natural to us would be meaningless to a wild animal."