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"Van, you are right. I am mortified with myself beyond measure, and I am bitterly ashamed that my aunt, her own mother, should have so grossly misjudged her.

There can be no doubt that a certain type of tourist, ignorant of Japanese art, by greedily buying strange, gaudy things at high prices, has stimulated a morbid production of truly unæsthetic pseudo-Japanese art. But this accounts for only a small part of the grossly inartistic features of Japan.

The parliament house at Montreal was burned down, a great number of books and records destroyed, and Lord Elgin grossly insulted for having assented to the bill. This very discreditable episode in the political history of Canada proved the extremes to which even men, professing extreme loyalty, can be carried at times of political passion and racial difficulty.

Naturally, finally, he, like Marat, imagines the darkest fictions, but they are less improvised, less grossly absurd, more slowly worked out and more industriously interwoven in his calculating inquisitorial brain. "Evidently," he says to Garat, "the Girondists are conspiring." "And where?" demands Garat. "Everywhere," Robespierre replies, "in Paris, throughout France, over all Europe.

Hence the misery of the imaginative man! hence his little sympathy with the mass, who, tame and soulless, look upon life and the things of life, not through the refining medium of ideality, but through the grossly magnifying optics of mere sense and materialism.

Some people have no good of their dreams. Like fast feeders, they gulp them too grossly, to taste them curiously.

Of course, Crewne, being a preacher, took none but a spiritual interest in young ladies; but where a person's face seems to show forth the owner's whole soul, as was the case with Helen Matalette's, a minister of the Gospel is certainly justifiable in looking oft and long at it nay, is even grossly culpable if he does not regard it with a lively and tender interest.

And Wilfrid, as you may have heard, had really grossly insulted him, even to the extent of maltreating him a poor foreigner rich foreigner, if you like! but not capable of standing against a strong young man in wrath. However, now there can be little doubt that Wilfrid repents. He had been trying ever since to see Mr.

"Whatever lawlessness exists and I think you have grossly exaggerated its extent, Colonel Broadcastle is due to the selfish obstinacy of one man. In my opinion, Mr. Rathbawne is entirely in the wrong. He had fair warning, which he did not choose to heed. If his property suffers at the hands of the strikers, he has only himself to blame." "It is not a question of Mr.

I watched him as he hastened along, his eyes bent fast upon the dusty road till he disappeared at the end of a quarter of a mile. The little incident recalled to mind the copy of a missionary paper brought to my notice a few days ago, in which a "Christian" pugilist commented upon a recent article of mine, grossly perverting the spirit of my pen.