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Here Dick interrupted: "You left your compañero de grillos for fear of the Black Bull!" he exclaimed. Pépe smiled, shaking his head. "It was for fear of that which came to el toro erizado," he answered. "Very wise was I, and prudent, for but three minutes since did I see him, and in his throat la navaja de la ramera Holandesa."

"Irons fetters," said Dick; and taking her by the arm, started in the direction of "The Goat in Boots," walking with a curiously swaggering gait which went far to mask his limp. "Amigos de grillos fetter-pals. We were chained together for six months." "In in prison? Oh, Dick!" she cried, "I knew he was horrid." "And me?" "I know you aren't," she replied.

Pépe had vanished utterly. "Yes," said Dick, following her thought, and responsive even to the terms of her recent reflection, "he never would fit an English landscape till it swallowed him." "'Amigo de grillos'?" said the girl. "Why do you call him that? Amigo must be friend. But grillos?"

And under his soft, dog's eyes Pépe for the first time showed white, smiling teeth. "Amigo de grillos," said Dick, in the voice which Pépe knew so well, but had never before heard unsteady, "she has not slept an hour since I thought her mind astray." Then Pépe, fumbling at an inner pocket, spoke swiftly what wisdom was in him. "Dicco must get gaiters, rough trousers, and a hat.

Moreover, it was too late; and I went on dreaming with open eyes, careering on horseback through the savannas, listening at break of day to the prattle of the parrots in the guava-trees, at nightfall to the chirp of the grillos in the cane-fields, or else smoking my cigar, taking my coffee, rocking myself in a hammock in short, enjoying all the delights that are the very heart-blood of a guajiro, and out of the sphere of which he can see but death, or, what is worse to him, the feverish agitation of our Northern society.