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And those frozen figures stayed there like statues with that other crimson flag: until, one day, a great-bodied wind swept out of the north, and, in pity, carried them down a bottomless fissure. But long before this happened, The Woman had fled from Little Goshen in the night, and her house was burned to the ground.

While the Romans were assailing Veii and making other conquests among the neighboring cities, a new people had come into Central Italy, a fair-faced, light-haired, great-bodied tribe of barbarians, fierce in aspect, warlike in character, the first contingent of that great invasion from the north which, centuries afterwards, was to overthrow the empire of Rome.

A great-bodied man, with powerful square shoulders, a long head, a rugged crest of a nose the kind you see on the type of Englishman who has the imagination and initiative to go to Canada, or Australia, or America. He wore spectacles, not the fashionable horn-rimmed sort, but the kind with gold ear pieces.

And those frozen figures stayed there like statues with that other crimson flag: until, one day, a great-bodied wind swept out of the north, and, in pity, carried them down a bottomless fissure. But long before this happened, The Woman had fled from Little Goshen in the night, and her house was burned to the ground.

She was a great-bodied, jolly Irishwoman, but she possessed razor-keen, hazel eyes that narrowed on us a bit when she first saw us. But the woman in her soon hushed her passing suspicions. For Hoppner was a frank-faced, handsome lad, with wide shoulders and a small waist like a girl's. It was Hoppner's good looks took her in. She gave us a room together.

She took care of her "two men" as she phrased it proudly her husband and her great-bodied son as if they were helpless children. "We're going a-huntin' to-day, Johnny, wan' ter come along?" "Sure!" "Wall, git ready, then!" But first Paul fed the hounds out in the yard ... huge slabs of white bread spread generously with lard.