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He said this morning that he'd be here to-night and make up a four at Bridge. He went off to see an aunt or some one at Grantchester!" "Perhaps," said Bobby Galleon gravely, "he had an exeat and has gone up to town." "But he'd have said something sure. And the porter hasn't seen him. He would have been certain to know." Olva was never expected to talk much. His reserve was indeed rather popular.

But it is also to be discovered in his poetry. Put a few lines from Grantchester beside a few lines from one of Mr. Belloc's poems of Oxford and you will realize how curiously the younger man was fascinated by the older. We will quote the passages we have in mind.

All the lost, unforgettable beauty comes back to him in that dirty place; it gets him by the throat. It got me, too. "'Ah, God! to see the branches stir Across the moon at Grantchester! To smell the thrilling-sweet and rotten Unforgettable, unforgotten River-smell, and hear the breeze Sobbing in the little trees. Oh, is the water sweet and cool, Gentle and brown, above the pool?

"It's an infernally warm morning. "Walk with me to Grantchester." "We might go by boat. You could row." "I ought to do these papers." "You weren't doing them." "No...." "Walk with me to Grantchester. All this affliction of yours is horrid and just nothing at all. Come out of it! I want you to come with me to Russia and about the world. I'm going to leave my wife " "Leave your wife!" "Why not?

Rupert Brooke a personality the spirit of youth his horror at old age Henry James's tribute his education a genius his poems of death his affected cynicism his nature poems war sonnets his supreme sacrifice his charming humour his masterpiece, Grantchester. James Elroy Flecker the editorial work of Mr.