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The branches are deep green, angular, and flexible, the leaves pinnate, and the flowers pure-white and sweetly-scented. The variety J. officinale affine has flowers that are individually larger than those of the species; J. officinale aurea has badly variegated leaves; J. officinale grandiflorum and J. officinale grandiflorum majus, are also desirable kinds. J. REVOLUTUM. India, 1812.

Two liliaceous plants in particular, Erythronium grandiflorum and Fritillaria pudica, are marvelously beautiful and abundant. Never before, in all my walks, have I met so glorious a throng of these fine showy liliaceous plants. The whole mountainside was aglow with them, from a height of fifty-five hundred feet to the very edge of the snow.

H. vulgare grandiflorum is remarkable for the large, bright yellow flowers, and is one of the most beautiful and worthy varieties. H. vulgare hyssopifolium bears reddish flowers, but the colouring varies considerably, and saffron is not uncommon. The Rockroses are very valuable plants, in that they will succeed on poor, gravelly banks where few other plants could eke out an existence.

The petioles which have clasped some object become much more stiff, hard, and polished than those which have failed in this their proper function. TROPAEOLUM. I observed T. tricolorum, T. azureum, T. pentaphyllum, T. peregrinum, T. elegans, T. tuberosum, and a dwarf variety of, as I believe, T. minus. Tropaeolum tricolorum, var. grandiflorum.

We have already demonstrated such a case when dealing with the origin of our double corn-chrysanthemum. The wild species culminates with 13 rays, and the grandiflorum variety with 21. Often the latter is found to be impure, being mixed with the typical species to a varying extent.

It has of course a wide range of fluctuating variability, but the lower limit has been worked up to about 34 rays, a figure never reached by the grandiflorum parent, from which my new variety is thus sharply separated. Unfortunately the best flowers and even the best individuals of my race are wholly barren. Selection has reached its practical limit.

This result showed that no further selection could be of any avail, and that I had succeeded in purifying the 21-rayed grandiflorum variety. It is from this grandiflorum that I have finally produced my double variety. In the year 1896 I selected from among the above quoted 1,500 plants, 500 with terminal heads bearing 21 or more rays.

It has a cultivated variety, called grandiflorum, which is esteemed for its brilliancy and long succession of golden bloom. This variety has larger flower-heads, surrounded with a fuller border of ray-florets. The species belongs to a genus many species of which have produced double varieties. One of them is the Japanese marigold, others are the carinatum and the imbricatum species.

It is scientifically known as GASTROLOBIUM GRANDIFLORUM, occurs throughout the dry, tropical portion of Australia, and is commonly known as 'Desert poison, 'Australian poison, and 'Wallflower poison bush." Near Mount Bannerman, where our camels were poisoned on the upgoing journey, this plant was not growing.

There may even be an overlapping of the extremes, since the fluctuation around 13 may even go beyond 8 and 21, and so on. But such extremes are only found in stray flowers, occurring on the same individuals with the lesser degrees of deviation. Now the marigold averages 13, and the grandiflorum 21 rays. The wild species is pure in this respect, but the garden-variety is not.