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But if you should happen to feel that you wanted to enter into some sort of negotiations for an adjustment of " Graemer caught his breath. "I'll be damned if I do " he ejaculated. He was white with chagrin to think that his stupidity had trapped him into such an annoying situation. He was moving blindly toward the stairway; all he wanted was a quick termination of the whole irritating interview.

Until you chuck that maudlin bunch of slush and scenery at us. Where did you get that play, anyhow?" he asked insolently. "Why, he wrote it last summer," protested Edwina. "Yes?" his uplifted eyebrows were insulting as he glanced quizzically at Graemer. "Then he was about twenty-five years younger last summer than he is now.

But beside her Felicia clasping her little hands under her chin, watched with shining eyes; her anger was as the anger of the man who was fighting. She did not realize who he was or why he had come to the defense of her Blythe. She only knew that he was doing exactly what she had been longing to do ever since she had first heard about the acquisitive Mr. Graemer.

He assumed with that rapidity with which an angry mind makes decisions, that Graemer was proceeding to Montrose Place for more of the damnably clever "local color" with which he was wont to dress his plays; that not content with having dramatized Hamilt's youthful woes to the orchestra circle he wanted to reproduce the whole thing photographically.

"He always said I couldn't but, don't you think I do in 'The Juggler'?" she entreated Hamilt. "It's an actress-proof part, isn't it?" he bantered, watching her lazily. "Brute!" she pouted. "Perhaps he is complimenting me," teased Graemer. "Not at all," promptly answered the rude Mr. Hamilt. "You've all but ruined the play with your everlasting managing. It's a peach up to the last act.