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"Now, Mosey," said Willoughby, courteously but tenaciously, "will you permit me to enumerate a few gentlemen gentlemen, remember who have exhibited in a marked degree the qualities of the pioneer. Let us begin with those men of whom you Victorians are so justly proud, Burke and Wills. Then you have " "Hold on, hold on," interrupted Mosey. "Don't go no furder, for Gossake.

To Lilly she was as terrible as a plucked hen on a butcher's block, with her head dyed to a vicious cock's-comb red and the wattles of loose skin beneath her chin. In fact, she was familiarly known around the shop as "old bird," and on one occasion had invited Lilly for a Sunday excursion "up to Albany." "Lay off, ma," said her daughter. "Fer Gossake, can't you take a tumble?"

Roscoe stumbled to his feet, laughing wildly, and stood swaying, contriving to hold himself in position by clutching the back of the heavy chair in which he had been sitting. "Hoo hoorah!" he cried. "'S my principles, too. Be drunkard all you want to outside business hours. Don' for Gossake le'n'thing innerfere business hours! Business! Thassit! You're right, father. Drink! Die!

He was away on an excursion to the mountains when his father spoke of him to me." "Git to sleep, chaps, for Gossake," murmured Cooper. "Guarantee there'll be none o' this liveliness in the mornin', when you got to turn out." Thus sensibly admonished, we committed ourselves to what Macbeth calls 'sore labour's bath' the only kind of bath we were likely to have for some time.