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That goodnight's kiss should have brought Dorian back to Carlia sooner than it did; but it was nearly a month before he saw her again. The fact that it was the busiest time of the year was surely no adequate excuse for this neglect. Harvest was on again, and the dry-farm called for much of his attention.

Harley saw a faint smile pass over the face of the candidate, but Jimmy Grayson was a man of infinite tact, which, instead of being allied to greatness, is a part of greatness itself, and he took no notice of anything in Mr. Goodnight's words or manner.

However, the Pecos was reached and the herds watered with comparatively small losses, and both Loving's and Goodnight's outfits lay at rest for three days to recuperate at Horsehead Crossing. Then the drive up the wide, level valley of the Pecos was begun, through thickets of tornilla and mesquite, horses and cattle grazing belly-deep in the tall, juicy zacaton.

With studied politeness, the man of the glittering brown eyes wished me a goodnight's rest, and left the room. Ambrose and Silas both approached me hospitably, with their open cigar-cases in their hands. "You were quite right to say 'No," Ambrose began. "Never smoke with John Jago. His cigars will poison you." "And never believe a word John Jago says to you," added Silas.

'Will you? said the landlord. 'Then I wish you a goodnight's rest. With that brief farewell, he went out, and shut the door after him. A good night's rest! The words had hardly been spoken, the door had hardly been closed, before Arthur half-repented the hasty words that had just escaped him.

Goodnight's face cleared. "We feel that we are in a position to speak plainly, Mr. Grayson," he said. "We are elderly men, used to the handling of large affairs, and and this cannot be said of all others in our party. We noticed to-day how you skirted dangerously upon the tariff question, which we think in fact, which we know should be avoided.