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It's my name, which ain't my name, not reg'lar, that's caused feelin'. They've drove me out, an' I'm campin' in the tool-house. An' me born right there in New York an' American clean through. My grandpap came across when he wuz a kid, but it ain't my fault he wuz Goiman. I'd 'a' made 'im a Frenchy or a Dago or somethin' else if I could 'a' done it. Mr.

An' Elsie says she's prepared to swear he talked Goiman easy enough to her." "We'll consider his case later, Dutch. The matter is delicate, most delicate." If I had expected Searles and his play to be introduced into the table-talk, I was doomed to disappointment. A dozen times I smothered an impulse to tell Alice and Mrs.

Singleton, I don't know no Goiman except pretzel, sauerkraut, wiener wurst, and them kind o' woids." "Those belong to the universal language, Dutch," I answered consolingly. "What is your name, anyhow?" "Augustus Schortemeier, and I say it ain't no worse'n Longfellow," he protested. The point was delicate and not one that I felt myself qualified to discuss.

He says he's goin' to remember th' place and come back when he's old. A charmin' retreat fer supernumerary superannuates, he calls it. Them's his woids. I'm gittin' sort o' nervous havin' 'im round. Zimmerman he's the clothes-presser tried to talk Goiman to 'im this mornin' an' th' guy pretended like his feelin's wuz hoit, an' he never knowed th' Hun's language, he says.