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He early devoted himself to dialectics, to all the arts of intellectual gladiatorship, to all the sports of logical tournaments which were held in such value by the awakened spirits of the new civilization. Such was Abélard's precocious ability, even as a youth, that no champion could be found to refute him in the whole of Brittany.

I only wonder why they should have had such overwhelming interest to English legislators and the English public; and why his statistics should have given him claims to transcendent oratory and the profoundest statesmanship, for it is undeniable that his financial speeches brought him more fame and importance in the House of Commons than all the others he made during those seven years of parliamentary gladiatorship.

I cannot convey to you who know him now with his careworn face and abrupt, dry manner, reduced by perpetual gladiatorship to the skin and bone of his former self what that man was when he first stepped into the arena of life.

"And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach." It is no wonder that this sort of friendly intellectual gladiatorship is Sir James's greatest pleasure, for it is his peculiar forte. He has not many equals, and scarcely any superior in it.

Francis Hare, 'Remarks on a Discourse on Freethinking. Regarded as a piece of intellectual gladiatorship the Remarks are justly entitled to the fame they have achieved.

The world is now regarded as a tournament, where the gladiatorship of life is to be exhibited at your best endeavor. Its honors and joys lie in a brilliant pennon and a plaudit. Dalton is learned in those arts which make of action, not a duty, but a conquest; and sense of duty has expired in you with those romantic hopes to which you bound it, not as much through sympathy as ignorance.

What I say is, he that is emancipated never indulges in that intellectual gladiatorship which is implied by a dialectical disputation for the sake of victory. He, on the other hand, is really emancipate who devotes himself to Brahma, that sole seat of tranquillity. Thou hast honoured me with both speech and other offers that are due from a host to a guest.

I complain not of the robbery -far from it; for, if we do lose the possession of a commodity so valuable, we are at least freed from the responsibility of keeping it. The gentlemen, nowadays, seldom look to us for intellectual gladiatorship; they are content that our weakness should shield us from the war. But, I conceive the reproach of our poverty to come unkindly from those who make us poor.

So numerous had this band of quadruped freebooters become, at the time of our visit, that the inhabitants had been compelled to call in the assistance of a number of dogs, for the purpose of putting them to flight; and the gentlemen sportsmen of the island declare, that a battle between these belligerent powers and natural enemies presents a scene of unusual excitement and interest to the lovers of animal gladiatorship.

I cannot convey to you who know him now with his careworn face and abrupt, dry manner, reduced by perpetual gladiatorship to the skin and bone of his former self what that man was when he first stepped into the arena of life.