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In view of a passage in a lexicographical tablet, according to which the name of the god is designated as the equivalent of the god Gir-ra, Jensen concluded that the name was to be read Gira, and Delitzsch is inclined to follow him. A difficulty, however, arises through the circumstance that the element Gir in the name Gir-ra is itself an ideograph.

Nu-dim-mud being an epithet might, of course, be applied to other gods, but there can be no doubt that it was used to designate more particularly Ea as the artificer. See my remarks, pp. 138, 177 seq. Meissner-Rost, Bauinscriften Sanherib's, p. 105. Cylinder, l. 70. Cylinder, l. 68. Jensen, Kosmologie, p. 445, reads the name Gira. See pp. 527-28.

Blondin?" "Miss Nina and I want to know what day we may have our party?" Royal repeated. "The studio party?" "The roof-garden party. We're going to have it from half-past six to half-past seven only, because then it won't be too hot. We shall only ask the people we like! Gira Diable will come and dance for us, and Tilly will read something " "That's Unger Tillotson, the actor!"

Filomena poured it out, singing: L'acqua fa mare, Il vino fa cantare; Il sugo della gresta Fa gira' la testa. To-morrow I may go out. After Sunday, I shall leave off dining at home. On Sunday Filomena goes to Camerino.

"Da quella luce che 'I suo corso gira"; After thus treating of the number nine in its connection with Beatrice, Dante goes on to say, that, when this most gentle lady had gone from this world, the city appeared widowed and despoiled of every dignity; whereupon he wrote to the princes of the earth an account of its condition, beginning with the words of Jeremiah which he quoted at the entrance of this new matter.

"Guardando nel suo figlio con l' amore Che l' uno e l' altro eternalmente spire, Lo primo ed ineffabile Valore, Quanto per mente o per loco si gira Con tanto ordine fe', ch' esser non puote Senza gustar di lui ehi cio rimira "