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We may be sure of the result. After commending her zeal for her own family, he says, "Ego vero et ejus liberis parcam, et genero, et uxori; et ad senatum scribam ne aut proscriptio gravior sit, aut poena crudelior;" adding that, had his counsels prevailed, not even Cassius himself should have perished.

To satisfy their needs the genero chico, or little style, sprang into existence; and quickly every theatre in Spain was given over to the system of four houses a night. Each function is different, and the stall costs little more than sixpence. We English are idealists; and on the stage especially reality stinks in our nostrils.

The Spaniard, most democratic of Europeans, clamours for realism, and nothing pleases him more than a literal transcript of the life about him. The manners and customs of good society do not entertain him, and the genero chico concerns itself almost exclusively with the lower classes.

El señor de Gorostiza ha adquirido un nuevo laurel, y nosotros quisiéramos que la obligación de periodista se limitara a alabar: mucho nos daría que hacer aun en este caso esta composición dramática. En cuanto a la representación, podemos asegurar que no nos acordamos de haber visto en Madrid nada mejor desempeñado en este género. I, en Colección de los Mejores Autores Españoles t.