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Borrow learned that the Duke of Frias had succeeded Count Ofalia in September. Sir George Villiers had replied that Mr Borrow, who was then out of the country, had been advised of the Duke's notification, and as soon as word was received from him, the Duke should be communicated with.

But yonder is Aguas Frias, five miles away, and a clear road. I am of the mind to defy Saturn and all his satellites to spoil our success now. At any rate, I will not turn away to-night as weary a traveller and as good a soldier as you are, Lieutenant Kearny. Manuel Ortiz's tent is there by the brightest fire. Rout him out and tell him to supply you with food and blankets and clothes.

He proposed the eighteenth of July for the attack. That would give us six days in which to strike camp and march to Aguas Frias. In the meantime Don Rafael remained my good friend and compadre en la causa de la libertad. "On the morning of the 14th we began our march toward the sea-following range of mountains, over the sixty-mile trail to the capital.

Meantime, as the great queen was no more, who was always too sagacious to doubt that the Dutch cause was her own however disposed she might be to browbeat the Dutchmen it seemed possible to Spain that the republic might at last be deprived of its only remaining ally. Tassis was despatched as chief of a legation, precursory to a more stately embassy to be confided to the Duke of Frias.

Then the Duke of Frias in turn passed out of office and was succeeded by another, and so, politically, change followed change. The Government, however, had no intention of putting itself in the wrong a second time. Great Britain's friendship was of far too great importance to the country to be jeopardised for the mere gratification of imprisoning George Borrow.

From its upper course, one collection would be needed from Haro or Frias or Miranda; another from Saragossa, and one from its mouth, including the minnows common among the brackish waters near the mouth of large rivers.