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But the more fanciful portions of his dress were a large and costly fob-chain, which hung very low and supported an immense seal containing a glistening stone, which he seemed very fond of dangling with his left hand. Attached to this was a very prominently displayed black ribbon, answering the purpose of a guard-chain, and laid with great contrasting care over the bosom of his shirt.

There are here only Major Hay and the friend who accompanies me. A bright-faced boy runs in and out, darkly attired, so that his fob-chain of gold is the only relief to his mourning garb. This is little Tad., the pet of the White House. That great death, with which the world rings, has made upon him only the light impression which all things make upon childhood.

Spencer tilted his London hat down upon his brow, fumbled with his fob-chain, and would have liked to ask the Paymaster if his well-known intention to send Gilian on the same career he and his brothers had followed was to be carried into effect But he felt instinctively that this was a delicate question. He let it pass unput. Bob MacGibbon had no such delicacy.

"I'll give you fifteen dollars, my friend, to take myself, my wife, and three children to the village." It was Samson Newell who spoke. "'M offered fifteen," cried the White Bear, pricking up his ears; "goin' to the tahvern at fifteen; who says fifteen 'n' arf?" "I do!" from a pursy passenger with a double chin and a heavy fob-chain.

At the door stood Bob Binkley, his old friend and companion of the days before he had renounced the world Bob, himself, arrayed like the orchids of the greenhouse in the summer man's polychromatic garb Bob, the millionaire, with his fat, firm, smooth, shrewd face, his diamond rings, sparkling fob-chain, and pleated bosom. He was two years older than the hermit, and looked five years younger.

The collar sits as high in the neck; the red silk handkerchief peeps out behind; the trousers are cut with the "full fall," over which hangs the watch fob-chain with its heavy seals; the low-crowned beaver hat has the same wide brim; and the silver snuff-box is still redolent of Scotch maccaboy.