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"Why, my lard, as I was going past the Royal Exchange I meets Billy. 'Billy, says I, 'will you sky a copper? 'Done, says he; 'Done, says I; and done and done's enough between two jantlemen. With that I ranged them fair and even with my hook-em-snivey up they go. 'Music! says he 'Skulls! says I; and down they come, three brown mazards. 'By the holy! you flesh'd 'em, says he.

Mazards! how the diction of our orator is enriched from the vocabulary of Shakspeare! the word head, instead of being changed for a more general term, is here brought distinctly to the eye by the term mazard, or face, which is more appropriate to his majesty's profile than the word skull or head. By the holy! you flesh'd 'em, says he.

The gates of mercy shall be all shut up, And the flesh'd soldier, rough and hard of heart, In liberty of bloody hand shall range, With conscience wide as hell.

The beginning of this Month is the time to pickle Walnuts, for then the Walnuts have not began to shell, and moreover are not so bitter nor hollow as they will be afterwards; they will now be full flesh'd, and you will have no Loss. The following Method I learnt from Mr. Foord, a curious Gentleman of Buckingham, and has been experienced to be the best way.

By the holy! you flesh'd 'em. To flesh is another verb of Irish coinage; it means, in shoeblack dialect, to touch a halfpenny, as it goes up into the air, with the fleshy part of the thumb, so as to turn it which way you please, and thus to cheat your opponent. What an intricate explanation saved by one word! You lie, says I. Here no periphrasis would do the business.