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The disgrace of a pitiably weak team of freshmen being annihilated by minor colleges was eloquently put before the directors. But the decision was final. One evening early in February Worry Arthurs called upon Ken. His face was long, and his mustache drooped. "Kid, what do you think of 'em fat-heads on the faculty queerin' my team?" he asked. "Best team I ever developed.

The pair went about living on occult pretensions, shearing 'fat-heads, as they describe ordinary people in the native Magian lingo. Among these they got hold of a rich Macedonian woman; her youth was past, but not her desire for admiration; they got sufficient supplies out of her, and accompanied her from Bithynia to Macedonia.

And at this point, my dear Celsus, we may, if we will be candid, make some allowance for these Paphlagonians and Pontics; the poor uneducated 'fat-heads' might well be taken in when they handled the serpent a privilege conceded to all who choose and saw in that dim light its head with the mouth that opened and shut.

Why do these fat-heads come over here with a silver cigarette case and a society directory and make every rich man in the country fasten a burglar alarm to his checkbook?" Hep's goat at the half by a length. "A few days ago, John, one of these mutts with an Edam title jumped off an ocean liner, and immediately the price of padlocks rose to the highest point ever known on the Stock Exchange.

Rupert, who, though an amiable and delightful companion, had always been one of Nature's fat-heads, could not see it. We had to go back to our principals and announce that we had been unable to agree. "This is ridiculous," said Ralph Bingham. "We ought to have had a third judge." At this moment, who should come out of the hotel but Amanda Trivett! A veritable goddess from the machine.

Which it gave me such a poor opinion of the whole Boy Scout movement that I've treated it thenceforth as dirt beneath my feet. There was a time when I thought pretty tolerably of Baden-Powell. But when it comes to fat-heads "

Reddy Ray seemed the only calm person in the room and he had tragedy written all over him. "Out with it!" shouted Worry. "Don't stand there like a mournful preacher. What did 'em fat-heads say?" Reddy threw up his hands with a significant gesture. "I knew it!" howled Worry, jumping up and down. "I knew it! Why did you take the kid over there? Why didn't you let me and Homans handle this thing?