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The fallin'-block had sprung free behin' a full charge av powther good care I tuk to bite down the brass af ther takin' out the bullet that there might be somethin' to give ut full worth an' had cut Tim from the lip to the corner av the right eye, lavin' the eyelid in tatthers, an' so up an' along by the forehead to the hair.

I was huntin' ivrywhere for my fallin'-block, but not findin' ut at all. I niver found ut. "'Now fwhat will I do? sez O'Hara, swinging the veranda light in his hand an' lookin' down the room. I had hate and contimpt av O'Hara an' I have now, dead tho' he is, but, for all that, will I say he was a brave man.

I was huntin' ivrywhere for my fallin'-block, but not findin' ut at all. I niver found ut. "Now fwhat will I do?" sez O'Hara, swinging the veranda light in his hand an' lookin' down the room. I had hate and contimpt av O'Hara an' I have now, dead tho' he is, but, for all that, will I say he was a brave man.

Then I tuk my boot an' the clanin'-rod and knocked out the pin av the fallin'-block. Oh, 'twas music when that pin rowled on the flure! I put ut into my pouch an' stuck a dab av dirt on the holes in the plate, puttin' the fallin'-block back. "That'll do your business, Vulmea," sez I, lyin' easy on the cot.

I tould him to put her to again an' fire a blank into the blow-pit to show how the dirt hung on the groovin'. He did that, but he did not put in the pin av the fallin'-block, an' av coorse whin he fired he was strook by the block jumpin' clear. Well for him 'twas but a blank a full charge wud ha' cut his oi out." 'I looked a thrifle wiser than a boiled sheep's head. "How's that, Sargint?" sez I.

I tould him to put her to again an' fire a blank into the blow-pit to show how the dirt hung on the groovin'. He did that, but he did not put in the pin av the fallin'-block, an' av coorse whin he fired he was strook by the block jumpin' clear. Well for him 'twas but a blank a full charge wud ha' cut his oi out," "I looked a thrifle wiser than a boiled sheep's head. 'How's that, Sargint? sez I.

Then I tuk my boot an' the clanin'-rod and knocked out the pin av the fallin'-block. Oh, 'twas music when that pin rowled on the flure! I put ut into my pouch an' stuck a dab av dirt on the holes in the plate, puttin' the fallin'-block back. 'That'll do your business, Vulmea, sez I, lyin' easy on the cot.

The fallin'-block had sprung free behin' a full charge av powther good care I tuk to bite down the brass afther takin' out the bullet that there might be somethin' to give ut full worth an' had cut Tim from the lip to the corner av the right eye, lavin' the eyelid in tatthers, an' so up an' along by the forehead to the hair.