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Let us walk on to some cleaner heap, and leave these, the great Lutraria Elliptica, which have been lying buried by thousands in the sandy mud, each with the point of its long siphon above the surface, sucking in and driving out again the salt water on which it feeds, till last night's ground-swell shifted the sea-bottom, and drove them up hither to perish helpless, but not useless, on the beach.

No observations were made as to their origin, and seeds have only been sown from later generations. But these have yielded uniform crops, thereby showing that there is no ground for the assumption that these two older varieties might behave otherwise than the more recent derivatives. Scintillans and elliptica constitute exceptions to the rule given.

In favoured districts it may frequently be seen as much as 12 feet high, and is then during the flowering period an object of great beauty. It originated at Riccarton, near Edinburgh, about 1830. GARRYA ELLIPTICA. California, 1818. This is a handsome shrub, with dark green coreaceous leaves, resembling very nearly those of the Evergreen Oak.

The other head comprises two fertile forms, O. scintillans and O. elliptica, which may easily be fertilized with their own pollen, but which gave a progeny only partly similar to the parents. The Oenothera lata is a very distinct form which was found more than once in the field, and recently in a luxuriant flowering specimen.

It has been recommended as a substitute for boxwood for engraving, and trials should, therefore, be made with it. Natural Order Epacrideae. Monotoca elliptica, R. Br. A tall shrub or tree 20 or 30 feet high, native of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. The wood has been experimented upon in this country, and though to all appearances it is an excellent wood, yet Mr.

For this we are in some measure prepared by what we have seen of the Secondary or Mesozoic floras if, consistently with the belief in the theory of evolution, we expect to find the prevalence of simpler and less specialised organisms in older rocks. Pecopteris elliptica, Bunbury. We are struck at the first glance with the similarity of the ferns to those now living.

One other inconstant new species is to be noted, but as it was very rare both in the field and in my cultures, and as it was difficult of cultivation, little can as yet be said about it. It is the Oenothera elliptica, with narrow elliptical leaves and also with elliptical petals. It repeats its type only in a very small proportion of its seed.

At the distance of a few yards, and in the same position, but a foot or two deeper, were observed marine shells, Cyprina islandica, Astarte elliptica, A. compressa, Fusus antiquus, Littorina littorea, and a Balanus. The height above the level of the sea was between 100 and 103 feet.