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Therefore, if he bungled the job, he was likely to lose his official head; and if he were not swift and sure in his movements against the gang, his physical head would not be worth the lead that would undoubtedly come crashing into it from behind, before the end of the week. "The thing for us to do, Tommy," advised Ellhorn, "is to take in all the gang we can get hold of.

I told him you and me was up against the Dysert gang " Nick's voice trailed off into a sleepy murmur "alone, and I was drunk and likely to get disorderly." "You measly, ornery " Tuttle began. But he saw that Ellhorn was already asleep and he would not abuse his friend unless Nick could hear what he said. So he shut his mouth and considered the situation.

But quick as they were, Herrera, the handsome one of the two, understood what was happening and leaped to one side, a long knife flashing from his sleeve, before Tuttle's hand could descend upon him. The other was slower and Ellhorn had him by the arm before he could thrust his hand into his pocket for his revolver.

Ellhorn he placed similarly at the other front corner. His own position he took midway between the two, facing the door and two small windows that blinked beneath the narrow portal. Mead saw that he was the only one for whom protection was possible, and exclaimed, "Say, Tom, this ain't fair!" But Tuttle paid no attention to his protest, and began to call loudly: "Dysert! Faustin Dysert!